It is important to close any credit card accounts as quickly as possible to prevent any further recurring charges and to prevent any possible identity theft or fraud. Note that closing an account has no effect on any credit card balance, which will be dealt with as a debt during probate.
Act promptly to close or transfer credit card accounts to prevent ongoing charges and reduce the risk of identity theft or fraud.
If needed, Full Circle Aftercare can assist and complete these tasks
Next steps:
- Identify all credit card accounts held by your loved one. You may find these accounts by searching in the wallet, reviewing bank statements, checking for apps on a smart phone, and reviewing incoming mail.
- Contact each credit card issuer to initiate the closure or transfer process.
- Follow their specific procedures, which may include providing necessary documentation.
- Keep records of all communications and actions taken for reference.
Note that closing an account does not affect any existing credit card balance; it will still be considered a debt during the probate process.
A few of our partners specialize in helping close accounts. You can find them here to review and contact.
It is important to close any credit card accounts as quickly as possible to prevent any further recurring charges and to prevent any possible identity theft or fraud. Note that closing an account has no effect on any credit card balance, which will be dealt with as a debt during probate.
Act promptly to close or transfer credit card accounts to prevent ongoing charges and reduce the risk of identity theft or fraud.
If needed, Full Circle Aftercare can assist and complete these tasks
Next steps:
- Identify all credit card accounts held by your loved one. You may find these accounts by searching in the wallet, reviewing bank statements, checking for apps on a smart phone, and reviewing incoming mail.
- Contact each credit card issuer to initiate the closure or transfer process.
- Follow their specific procedures, which may include providing necessary documentation.
- Keep records of all communications and actions taken for reference.
Note that closing an account does not affect any existing credit card balance; it will still be considered a debt during the probate process.
A few of our partners specialize in helping close accounts. You can find them here to review and contact.